Hello, I'm PanpukinArt!
I'm Michelle aka PanpukinArt, and I'm an illustrator, animator and pixel artist from Germany.
This here is my game development and pixel art portfolio. If you would like to check out my high-res digital art, please visit my painting portfolio.
( Indie Game )
Uncured is a 2D Rogue-Lite RPG title developed by EndRealm. As its solo artist for multiple years, I have shaped its visual landscape with my animations, character designs, tiles and graphic design.It is by far my most ambitious project - much of my game development experience stems directly from Uncured.
( Jam Game )
Wickborne is Jame Gam 36 entry, ranking #1 in the final voting.The light of the Worldcandle has been extinguished.The people of Waxworld are at a loss - without the power of the mighty candle, they won't last long. Darkness is taking over, the citizens are being corrupted by shadow.
Package Panik
( Jam Game )
Package Panik is a Ludum Dare 53 entry, ranking in the overall top 5% of ratings.Package Panik simulates an infrastructure of mail trucks, delivery drones and package warehouses that the player needs to upkeep and grow.As a very UI and UX heavy title, it was a particularly challenging project for an at the time quite character-focused artist. It helped me to significantly improve my understanding of user interfaces.