( Indie Game )

Uncured is a 2D Rogue-Lite RPG title developed by EndRealm. As its solo artist for multiple years, I have shaped its visual landscape with my animations, character designs, tiles and graphic design.It is by far my most ambitious project - much of my game development experience stems directly from Uncured.

( Jam Game )

Wickborne is Jame Gam 36 entry, ranking #1 in the final voting.The light of the Worldcandle has been extinguished.The people of Waxworld are at a loss - without the power of the mighty candle, they won't last long. Darkness is taking over, the citizens are being corrupted by shadow.

Package Panik
( Jam Game )

Package Panik is a Ludum Dare 53 entry, ranking in the overall top 5% of ratings.Package Panik simulates an infrastructure of mail trucks, delivery drones and package warehouses that the player needs to upkeep and grow.As a very UI and UX heavy title, it was a particularly challenging project for an at the time quite character-focused artist. It helped me to significantly improve my understanding of user interfaces.